Women @ Work

What does the organization do?

The Women At Work Cycling Club (W@W) is a bike club whose primary focus is educating cyclists of any level of experience on bike safety. When I am not engaging in the many facets of education, I lead weekly group rides, perform community outreach and work as an independent contractor. This particular organization also does a multitude of non-cycling activities when it is too cold to ride, including hiking, power walking, sled riding, and snowshoeing.

Why do you do what you do?

I gained an interest in becoming certified to teach based on observing the need. I find it paramount to know the rules of the road or trail before participating in a ride. The aforementioned off-season activities allow us to keep in touch and stay active. The activities also provide an opportunity to try new things and stave off the winter blues.

How can people get involved?

Try an activity with us. Our rides are posted on the W@W, BikePgh, and WPaBC websites. People can also voice their interest amongst other groups they may be a part of. Or one can just say “what else is there to do in Pittsburgh?”

How can people support?

Try an activity with us, officially join our club by paying annual dues, spread the word about W@W, or hire me to lead a group ride or host workshops and events.